What is MAILsweeper for Exchange?
MAILsweeper for Exchange offers two versions; one for Microsoft 2000 and the other for Microsoft 5.5.
MAILsweeper for Microsoft Exchange is a Content Security solution for the Internet and intranets. It allows customers to implement Content Security policies for internal e-mail as well as e-mail entering and leaving the organisation.
MAILsweeper 3 for Exchange 5.5 provides content security for Exchange 5.5 environments. MAILsweeper 4 for Exchange 2000 is the latest content security solution for Exchange 2000 environments.
Why do you need MAILsweeper for Exchange?
Content Security is an internal as well as an external issue. Internal email is often forgotten security loophole for the following threats:
- Internal circulation of viruses
- Harassment of colleagues by e-mail
- Transfer of offensive material within the organisation
- Confidential information forwarded to the wrong department
- Data that originates within the organisation but is transmitted externally as well
- Whatever your requirement, MAILsweeper for Exchange lets you implement policy to suit your network and business needs.
Key Features:
- Policy based e-mail security implementation for internal and external Exchange based e-mail
- Prevents circulation and loss of confidential information
- Protects against legal liability from inappropriate e-mail content and attachments
- Protects against loss of network service through misuse of internal e-mail system
- Reduces network congestion by managing file size, scheduling delivery and removing inappropriate attachments
- Manages undesirable file types such as MP3s, AVIs, MPEGS and executables
- Works with leading industry AV tools to identify, clean, detach or block viruses on e-mail circulating around the organisation
- Network Auditing and reporting on e-mail and attachment traffic

Version: 4.0
Size: 33484KB
Date: April 14, 2003
License: Commercial
OS: Win 2000
Interface languages: