On your desk, you have a phone and a computer giving you access to your email. Away from your desk you have only your mobile phone. Wouldn't you like to get email on that, too? With Airlook you can - and lots more too, including calendar, contacts and tasks direct from your corporate mail store. Just as if you were sitting at your desk. And it's all available, anytime & anywhere on your mobile phone, PDA and Laptop.
Airlook provides wireless email, calendar, contacts and tasks on your mobile phone, the one mobile device you likely have with you all of the time. Airlook also works seamlessly on Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) like the iPAQ, Jornada, Palm etc. and your laptop too. For very low cost (much less to buy and to run than many competing products) you and you colleagues can remain wirelessly in touch with your office when you are travelling, to a meeting across town or a convention across continents. Airlook can handle mobile email, calendar, contacts & tasks for just a few or many thousands of users. No new software in needed on the mobile device drastically reducing implementation and support costs. Airlook displays real-time information from Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Domino mailstores.

Version: 4.5
Size: 15396KB
Date: December 9, 2003
License: Shareware $100
OS: Win 2000
Interface languages: