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 // New programs  in  Others:

GFI MailEssentials 2012 05-03-12
Comprehensive antivirus, anti-spam and anti-phishing protection for SMBs at an affordable price. It filters out spam email, phishing scams and viruses through various security layers, including up to five antivirus scanning engines.
Others / Development Tools Update

GALsync 4 12-01-09
Synchronize objects and Free/Busy data between multiple forests - Share information between Exchange organizations. NETsec's GALsync allows you to share Exchange mail-enabled objects of your Active Directory forest with other forests.
Others / Miscellaneous Update

WinZip 14.0.9029 10-14-09
WinZip: the world's leading Zip utility for compression, encryption, packaging and backup. Now supporting Windows 7, WinZip 14 saves time and space, making it easy to zip and unzip files for quick, efficient and secure data transmission and storage.
Others / Miscellaneous Update

GFI WebMonitor 2009 2009 03-17-09
GFI WebMonitor controls your Internet users’ browsing habits through web categorization and web filtering, covering over 205,000,000 URLs. It also monitors downloads in real-time, protecting your network from viruses, malware and phishing attacks
Others / Miscellaneous Update

Exchange GroupCalendar 2.06 08-05-08
Create items in the group calendar and have them replicated to the user calendars. Create meetings without attendees having to accept. Unlimited number of groupcalendars, rules and colors.
Others / Miscellaneous Update

GFI LANguard Network Security Scanner 7 11-21-05
Scans the entire network for vulnerabilities, applying also missing patches and service packs. GFI LANguard N.S.S. is also a complete network security and patch management solution.
Others / Miscellaneous Update

GFI Network Server Monitor 7 10-20-05
Checks your network & servers for failures and fixes them automatically, before your network users notice them! Alerts can be sent by email, pager or SMS. You can reboot a machine, restart a service or run a script, batch job or executable.
Others / Miscellaneous Update

WinDeveloper TNEF View 2.70 01-11-05
This TNEF viewer exposes the internals of TNEF encoded mails. The application supports both TNEF (winmail.dat) and mails from MAPI clients (*.msg) such as Outlook. Explore the mail body, recipients, attachments, embedded messages, OLE objects etc.
Others / Development Tools Update

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MAPILab File Recovery for Office
» MAPILab File Recovery for Office
Effective document recovery tool for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio and many other popular formats. MAPILab File Recovery can recover documents lost due to computer crashes, accidental deletion - even if the Recycle Bin has been emptied.
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 // Top 10:

1.   WinZip 14.0.9029 (15681)
2.   Office 2000 Service Release 1a (13971)
3.   Recover My Files Data Recovery Software 2.85 (6978)
4.   WinDeveloper TNEF View 2.70 (2088)
5.   GFI LANguard Network Security Scanner 7 (1727)
6.   PDFmail (1664)
7.   Exchange 2000 Service Pack 3 (1597)
8.   MAPI White Paper (1359)
9.   OfficeSpy for MS Office 2000 1.0 (1158)
10.   GFI MailEssentials 2012 (880)
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